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UZH for Staff

Monthly Parking-Space Rental

Parking spaces may be rented for a limited or non-limited period (longer than three months). The costs vary depending on the location and type of parking space.

Fee per Month


Non-fixed parking space, outdoor

Non-fixed parking space, garage/underground parking Fixed parking space, garage/underground parking
Irchel Campus   CHF 170 CHF 250
City Campus CHF 150 CHF 170 CHF 250-350
Veterinary Teaching Hospital (TSP)     CHF 250
Botanical Garden (BOT) CHF 150 CHF 170 CHF 250
Oerlikon Campus   CHF 170 CHF 250
Schlieren Campus CHF 60   CHF 140

Availability at All Locations except Schlieren Campus

Specify your requested location, type of parking space, and rental starting date on the parking space request form. If parking spaces are available, we will send you an offer. If no parking spaces are available at your requested location, we will send you an offer detailing alternative locations. The offer is valid for seven working days and expires automatically thereafter. Parking spaces at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital and the Center of Dental Medicine are managed directly by the persons responsible at those locations.

Availability at Schlieren Campus

The “GHZ Gewerbe- und Handelszentrum Schlieren AG” manages and rents out the parking spaces available in the underground parking at Wagistrasse 12/14 and the outdoor parking spaces at Wagistrasse 12.

Please send your request directly to

Weiterführende Informationen

Contact for All Locations (except Schlieren Campus)

Parking Management (at info desk)
Y23 H 50

044 63 54407


Mon–Thu: 7:30am–4:00pm
Fri: 7:30am–3:00pm

Contact for Schlieren Campus

GHZ Gewerbe und Handelszentrum Schlieren AG

044 730 83 21